A cross section through the eastern Pyrenees and its foreland shows the superposition of several thrust sheets, that may reflect a pile of previous salt-related minibasins. The basal and youngest thrust sheet develops an spectacular example of growth strata in its front.

  • The "sacred" Montserrat mountain fan delta
  • The Cardona salt mine
  • Growth strata: the progressive unconformity of the frontal Pyrenean thrust
  • The Pedraforca: a magic mountain made of a pile of three thrust sheets
  • Mesozoic salt tectonics and primary and secondary minibasins
  • Timing and processes of thrust emplacement
  • Seismic and surface expression of salt welds
  • Rudist build-ups and dinosaur footprints
  • Hydrotermal paleokarst
  • The minery of the coal: a visit to the museum
  • The village where the painter Picasso found inspiration
  • Optional trekking to the Pedraforca mountain

Salt and thrust tectonics, growth strata, facies, faults, dinosaurs and trekking

fieldtrip by request

by Lluís Ardèvol and Jaume Vergés